The Birth Of You Little Angel

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Giving birth to your little one is a moment you never want to forget. It can be both the scariest moment in your life as well as the most joyful one. Because the feelings at that point can so myriad. It keeps on fluctuating from fear and anticipation about the process of giving birth to the excitement of seeing the baby you have been carrying for nine months come into this world. There is the fear of surgery and being stitched up and then there is the joy of holding your little angel in your hands for the first time. When it such an occasion of mixed feelings it’s only natural that it is going to be etched in your memory forever.

Once the anticipation is over

Once the whole process of it is over and you have been given your baby in your hands for the first time then it’s only that feeling of pure of bliss that washed over both the mother and the father. The mother even though exhausted has a smile on her face and the father is beaming from ear to ear. It is how important that moment is in their lives. Then comes the time when the rest of the family start getting involved in the celebrations. The grandparents come over and dote on the baby and the newly become parents and friends and family come over to visit the baby and parents. Some of them bring along with them gift hampers for new born babies, which adds to the occasion as hamper for new born baby

All of this is the reason why this occasion is one that you cannot forget in your life. Some of the friends and family who cannot visit but are eager to see the baby and send their share of love to the baby have newborn baby gifts delivered to the hospital. Because they cannot be there during the moment. So it’s a joyous occasion for all no matter if they are with the baby or not. It’s a moment that brings friends and family together. Such occasions are very much few and far between so we need to make sure that we savor these moments and keep these precious memories locked away so that we can always go back and take a look at them. Tell our children this was the day they were born and how it all unfolded. Because one fine day they will make great dinner table conversations and bring back a flood of memories that you want to hold onto for as long as you can.